Good to know - The most important travel information at a glance.

Are you travelling by train, bus, car or plane? This informations is the best way to get to Nauders and the Resia Pass.

The most important information at a glance:

  1. There is a motorway toll in Austria. Anyone caught without a valid vignette has to pay heavy fines. The vignettes are available at kiosks and petrol stations, They are valid for 10 days, 2 months or the whole year. 
  2. The vignette obligation also applies in the Landeckertunnel (bypass possible) 
  3. Winter tyres are compulsory in Austria and South Tyrol from November 1st to April 15th and you need appropriate equipment, including snow chains, depending on the weather.
  4. High-visibility waistcoats are also compulsory in Austria and Italy - for every passenger who leaves the car in the event of a breakdown or accident. In addition, in Italy is it compulsory to drive with lights on during the day on motorways and open country roads (outside the town centre).
Regionen Map Background

Arriving by car

The 3-country Enduro trails and the Resia Pass are easily accessible by car from many directions

  • From München – Rosenheim - Kufstein - Innsbruck - Brennerpass: Motorway exit Bozen Süd, continue to Meran using the express road Mebo to the Vinschgau until the Resia Pass
  • From München – Rosenheim - Kufstein - Innsbruck - Landeck - Reschenpass
  • From München - Garmisch - Fernpass - Landeck - Reschenpass
  • From Ulm - Kempten – Füssen - Fernpass – Imst - Landeck - Reschenpass
  • Lindau/Feldkirch - Arlberg Tunnel - Landeck - Reschenpass
  • Wien - Linz - Salzburg - Innsbruck - Landeck - Reschenpass
  • From Zürich – Landquart – Klosters – Vereinatunnel - Zernez - Ofenpass - Müstair - Taufers im Münstertal - Reschenpass
  • From St. Moritz – Ofenpass – Münster – Taufers im Münstertal - Reschenpass

Arriving by train

Relaxed rail travel to Tyrol/Austria & South Tyrol/Italy thanks to countless international rail connections

The most beautiful holiday destinations in Tyrol & South Tyrol are easily accessible by train from Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy thanks to international connections, often even faster than by car. Get safe and relaxed to tour destination by train.
From Landeck-Zams railway station you can take the ÖBB Postbus or a taxi to your destination on the Resia Pass.

Further information and timetable for travelling by train

Arriving by plane

Tyrol and South Tyrol can also be reached quickly by plane via various airports:

  • Airport Innsbruck - 120 km 
  • Airport München - 230 km 
  • Airport Zürich - 255 km
  • Airport Venedig - 370 km
  • Airport Verona - 260 km
  • Airport Bergamo - 235 km
Further information on travelling via innsbruck airport